domingo, 31 de julio de 2011

Rolland and Structural Development under the Constitutionalists: Part of a piece I am writing about wireless development in Mexico

This is a small part of an article I am currently working on titled "Radio before Broadcasting: Wireless Communications in Porfirian and Revolutionary Mexico, 1900-1920." I use Rolland to exemplify Constitutionalist polices on structural development.  What do you think?

Radio was an integral component of the Constitutionalists larger plan to gain control over, and to restructure the Mexican nation-state. Once new territory had come under Carrancista control, SCOP employees and engineers started an enthusiastic campaign to repair and expand communications and public works, including “the completion of public buildings, port and harbor works, irrigation projects and the construction of railroads that were under way and upon which work was suspended at the time the late President Porfirio Díaz was ousted from office.”[1]  From 1914 to 1920, a number of Carranza engineers, military leaders, and intellectuals acted on ideas they had developed during the revolution or the preceding Porfiriato. Indeed, the Constitutionalists not only began rebuilding Mexico’s infrastructure but also revitalizing attempts to incorporate fringe territories into the national fold.
The works of engineer Modesto C. Rolland, a native of the Southern District of Baja California, provide a good example of Constitutionalist designs for structural development, including in wireless technology. Having fled from persecution during the Huerta regime, he joined Carranza’s cause after meeting the First Chief in 1914 in Ciudad Juarez. According to Rolland, Carranza already “looked ahead to prepare the era of reconstruction.” [2] With an eye on the future, Carranza sent Rolland to New York to study municipal and education systems and to direct Constitutionalist propaganda in the United States. Later that year, Carranza called him back to Veracruz to work in his cabinet as the Oficial Mayor of Communications. In this capacity he oversaw the construction of a wireless system between Saltillo and Veracruz.[3] During the following six years of Carranza leadership, Rolland headed a number of nationalist projects. Among other things, he headed the Petroleum Technical Commission, the construction of the first concrete pier at the oil terminal in Progresso, the State Agrarian Commission of Yucatán, and investigations into the social, economic, and structural conditions in Yucatán and the Territory of Baja California.[4] Rolland also wrote a number of brief books and pamphlets on these subjects in addition to others on women’s rights, education, tax policies, and the development of a national transportation and communications system. He later went on to write the first broadcasting regulations during the Álvaro Obregón administration in 1923.[5] About radio he wrote that “The wireless service has been improved to such an extent that we are able to make the assertion that the entire Republic is covered by stations that control the country in a far more efficient manner, proportionately, than the same service does in the United States.” [6] Although a bold statement, the Constitutionalists had indeed made significant headway in expanding wireless communications across the nation.

[Following this section I go into the specifics about radio development under Carranza. I plan to mention Rolland's work once again when I address Constitutionalist designs to further incorporate Baja California--which in many ways had remained largely autonomus--into the national fold.]

J. Justin Castro

[1] “Mexico Plans Many Big Improvements,” Los Angeles Times, July 7, 1917, I9.
[2] M. C. Rolland, “Investigation Work into the Municipal City Governments and the Rural School System, Factories and Industrial Centers in the United States,” in Carlo de Fornaro, I. C. Enriquez, Charles Ferguson, and M. C. Rolland, Carranza and Mexico (New York: Mitchell Kennerley, 1915),  109-110.
[3] “Three Capitals Neutral,” New York Times, December 23, 1914, 20.
[4] Jorge M. Rolland C., “Ingeniero Modesto C. Rolland Mejia,” unpublished manuscript, author’s personal collection, 5; Modesto C. Rolland, Carta a mis conciudadnos (New York: Latin-American News Association, 1917), 25-29; Jorge M. Rolland C., “Modesto C. Rolland: Summary,” unpublished manuscript, author’s personal collection, 2; Modesto C. Rolland, Informe sobre el Distrito Norte de la Baja California de la Baja California (Mexicali: Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, 1993).
[5] Modesto C. Rolland to Álvaro Obregón, Mexico City,  May 9, 1923, Obregón-Calles Papers, c. 51, exp. 121-C-R-4, Archivo General de la Nación, Mexico City, further stated as AGN; Modesto C. Rolland to Álvaro Obregón, Mexico City, June 5, 1923, Obregón-Calles Papers, c. 51, exp. 121-C-R-4, AGN; Álvaro Obregón to Modesto C. Rolland, Mexico,  June 8, 1923, c. 51, exp. 121-C-R-4, AGN; “Los permisos para las estación es de radiotelefónia,” El Universal, September 1, 1923, 3.
[6] M. C. Rolland, A Reconstructive Policy in Mexico (New York:: Latin-American News Association, 1917), 7.

lunes, 25 de julio de 2011

Life of Modesto C Rolland resume in english


 He is born in La Paz, Baja California Sur on June 14, 1881 was baptized on Sept. 21, the same year.

His early studies were done in La Paz and Santa Rosalia, at the urging of his mother he moves to Culiacan, Sinaloa studying for Teacher of Elementary Education, graduating on Dec. 16, 1903.

He traveled to Mexico via Mazatlan and Manzanillo; he studies Civil Engineering & ends his carrier in three years instead of four, graduating in 1906.

On April 5, 1905 he is professor of Surveying Drainage and Irrigation in the School of San Jacinto, "National School of Agriculture and Veterinary " and formalized as professor on February 1, 1906. In April 1906 he publishes: "Some Lessons on Raising Polygons by Deflections. On July 1906, he prints "Lessons on Dams, given in the clase of Topography Drainage and Irrigation."

On February 10, 1908 he marries Virginia Melendez de la Garza whith whom he procreate five children.

In August 1909 he proposes and gives the "Free Academy of Reinforced Concrete," first classes of concrete in Mexico. In 1910 he publishes "Elements for Calculation of reinforced concrete." From 1908 to 1910 he built countless private residences and the aqueduct Xochimilco, Mexico.

The National Chamber of Cement in 1962 says the precursors of concrete in Mexico were the Ings. Manuel Marroquin and Rivera, Miguel Rebolledo, Modesto C. Rolland and Ortiz Monasterio. Outstanding on the Paseo Reforma No. 96 a work of MC R. with a clearing of 22 mts built during  the Porfiriato.

In 1908-9 he organized a club of Engineers to study the problems of the country, proposing among other things the nationalization of the railways and the establishment of postal savings.

On the 19th May. 1909 at the home of Alfredo Robles Dominguez, the Antireeleccionist National Center is born, it will become a national party, those presiding: Emilio Vasquez Gomez, Francisco I. Madero, Modesto C. Rolland, Felix Palavicini, Achilles Elorduy, Roque Estrada and Eduardo Hay. "
In 1909 a "Manifest to the Nation" of the Antireeleccionista Party is published at the start of its campaign, Modesto C. Rolland signs as founder.

On 1 Sep. 1911 the Antireeleccionist Club "Francisco Diaz Ramirez" promotes mexicanizing the national lines. Those in charge: Pres. Modesto C. Eng Rolland, 1st Vpdte.
Mr. Joaquín Santaella, 2 ° Vpdte. Mr. José Rodríguez Cabo, Sec 1st Joaquín M. Alegre.

On 9 Feb. 1913 Manuel Urquidi Subsecretary of Comunications, meets to organize the office with Alberto Pani J, his brother Arthur and Mr. Alessio Robles, they are joined by: Carlos Arguelles, Ramon Puente, Samuel Vazquez, and Ings. Alvarez del Castillo, Efrain Gomez and Modesto Rolland.

On the death of Pres. Madero and Vpdte. Pino Suarez, on his farewell to his students at the Colegio Militar, he tells them they will be instruments to shed Mexican blood, that afternoon he was dismissed. He was removed from office, imprisoned and threatened with being shot. After a month of solitary confinement, he was received by Minister Garza Aldape, whom he assured he was not a conspirator, but disagreed with the policies of Huerta. He was released but decided to flee to Veracruz and by ship to the U.S.

In Ciudad Juarez the Minister of Communications, Mr Zulara introduced him to Don Venustiano who talk to him about the problems of Mexico, the agrarian problem was the cornerstone of the country's social problems. He particularly talked about schools and the need for a school system.  Don Venustiano he decided embodied national unity and he had to work under his influence. He was commissioned to travel the U.S. in 1913 to develop plans for reconstruction, but especially for the elementary education system and the municipal organization.

In June 1914 he was consul in N. Y. commissioned to create organs for the dissemination of Carranza Movement in the U.S., in August he writes: following Rafael Capmany Zubarán Minister of the Interior, I organize the information office" Mexican Bureau of Information ", that wrote articles for magazines and a weekly newsletter , "Mexican Letters," which was sent to 500 U.S. newspapers, Pres. Wilson, Congress, Senate and other officials.

Returning to Mexico he was appointed officer in the Ministry of Comunications in October 1914.

On October 26, 1914 the Board of the National Railways of Mexico City, appointed as directors of the Executive Committee: Carlos Basave, Luis Cabrera & Modesto Rolland.

During December 1914 the NY Times published several news received from Vera Cruz sent by Modesto Rolland as Minister of Communication of Carranza.

On the 7 & 23 December 1914 he delivers a lecture to the Revolutionary Confederation in Veracruz, titled "The Agrarian Question and Practical Means to Solve the Problem."

He resigns from the cabinet and is commissioned as Secretary of the "Technical Committee of Petroleum," with Pastor Rouaix as Pres. & Jose Vazquez Schaffino , Salvador Gómez & Ignacio Mora. The Commission traveled to USA to study the oil industry.

The 6 Jan. 1915 Modesto C. Rolland, Salvador Alvarado, Gustavo Espinosa Mireles and others, launched an invitation to form the Revolutionary Confederation as a civil organization of the revolution & the crowning of the military  victory.

In 1915 he accompanied Salvador Alvarado appointed governor of Yucatan, he was commissioned to organize the State Agricultural Commission, were he created the Agricultural and Rural Cadastre & reissued his book on Surveying of 1906.

During his stay he built the first concrete pier for the oil terminal in the Port of Progreso.

In 1916 Feminist Congress of Mexico (at the Teatro Peon Contreras Merida) as a man close to Alvarado, he seeks the consensus of teachers so the Governor may confer the suffrage to women.

On 23 Mar. 1916 in the "Voice of the Revolution" of Yucatan, he regrets the little profit Mexico obtains from oil exploitation (being the third world producer) and the disappearance of the Technical Committee of Petroleum that was preparing legislation to protect this heritage. The oil must be nationalized & pipelines and refineries must be constructed around the country.
In April 1916 he traveled to Mexico to request the Education Sec Palavicini , for a teacher as head of the Dept. of Public Education in Yucatan, obtaining the designation of Gregorio Torres Quintero.

On June 21, 1916 in Sto. Domingo close to Carrizal, Chihuahua, the troops of Gral J. Treviño clash with those of Gral Pershing who was chasing Villa. On the 24 Jun. 1916 in view of an eminent war, the "American Union Against Militarism" invited to a peace conference in El Paso Texas: Modesto C. Rolland, Luis Manuel Rojas & Gerardo Murillo (Dr. Atl), they were finally installed on June 28 in Washington as the "American Peace Commission," with: Moorfield Storey Pres., Modesto C Rolland Vpdte, Chrystal Eastman Sec., other members: David Starr, Paul Kellogg, Manuel Rojas and Dr. Atl. Faced with intransigent attitudes in the U.S., he published an open letter to W. Wilson President of the U.S., noting the grave injustice that a war with Mexico would be.

In 1916-7 the Socialists & the American Federation of Labor incline towards Carranza as the best hope for the Mexican Revolution. The International Socialist Review publishes articles written by Carranza’s publicist Modesto Rolland.

In 1916-18 the "Graphic" and "Columbus Publishing" are published in N. Y., led by Modesto Rolland creator of the Latin American News Association of the Carranza government.

While in NY he learned of the theories of Henry George's on a single tax, that proposes taxing only land, he read all his books and converted to this cause, attending the "Single Tax Congress."

In 1916 he addressed a public letter to Don Venustiano proposing solutions for the Northern District of Baja California, requesting an executive committee be sent to study them.

In Dec.1916 a committee formed by: Salvador Alvarado, Ezequiel A. Chavez, Max. Chaubert, Pedro Solis Camara and Modesto C. Rolland, presented to the Constituent Assembly a draft of Civil Service Law for the Mexican cities, this is the public until December 7, 1920.

The XXVII Legislature on April 13, 1917 approves the representatives for the Southern District of Baja California:  CC. Modesto C. Rolland proprietor & Eduardo S. Carrillo substitute.

He conducted extensive studies of the Internal Revenue of the State of Yucatan, which was published on April 3, 1918 in the newspaper "Voice of the Revolution."

In Nov. 1918 he addresses the Governor of Yucatan, Carlos Morales Castro to inform of the delivery of telegraph receptors ordered by General Alvarado; this as Mgr. of  the Company of Development of Southeastern Mexico, all to provide wireless communication for Yucatan.

When Gen. Alvarado tries to figure in the presidential elections he founds the newspaper "El Heraldo de Mexico," Modesto Rolland is director, from April 25, 1919 to 24 Mar 1920.

In 1919 he heads a commission of Ministry of Hda to study the conditions for the Northern District of Baja California; the report was delivered in December of that year. It turned out a precise analysis of economic and political problems of the District with several proposed solutions, among others it proposed a port in the "Laguna Salada", which is 8 meters under sea level, located near Mexicali. He also proposed the construction of several dams, of which only has been built to date the dam Abelardo Rodriguez.
In 1920 he founded a Club for Socio Economic Studies, where students of political economy could meet to discuss and preach true methods of social reconstruction.

Between 1920 and 1934 he obtained permission for several surface water harvesting.

On October 11, 1920 Pres. Adolfo de la Huerta issued a decree for the creation of the Free Ports written by Modesto C. Rolland.

In 1920 Pres. Obregon appointed him as Chairman of the National Agrarian Commission, there he designed the bases that determined the extent of the ejido endowments.

In Sept. 1921 he published "The Municipal Disaster in the Mexican Republic" with a foreword by Gomez Morin; it was the first book in Mexico about the Free Municipality. The book includes the "Draft Civil Service Law for Mexican Cities."

In 1922 he founded the newspaper "El Hombre" being its editor until 1925.

In 1922 he published a book on Foundations, Floors and Roofs of reinforced concrete.

In 1923 he wrote "The Mexican Free Ports and The Free Zone on the northern border of the Mexican Republic."

In 1923 Pres. Obregon creates the Mexican Free Ports, including the ports of Guaymas, Salina Cruz and Puerto Mexico.

The 31 Jul. 1923 in a meeting in NY, Modesto Rolland of the Mexican Free Ports, announced that two Mexican Free Ports will be opened to world trade.

In 1923 he was Pres. of the radio station CYB. The 6 Mar. 1923: the Mexican Radio League, the Center of Engineers & the Central Mexican League Radio Club merge to form the Central Mexican Radio League, in 1923 Modesto Rolland was founder & Pres. of the League, other leaders were

Vicente Lombardo Toledano, Felipe Sierra, Francisco C. Steffen, Salvador and Manuel L. Domenzain Stampa. He represented the League when the Regulation for Radio Stations was presented to Pres. Obregon. With the League he organized the Great Radioelectric Fair at the Palacio de Mineria on July 16 to 25, 1923 inaugurated by the Pres.

In 1924 he presented a paper on the Mexican Free Ports in the 2nd Congress of Ings. in Monterrey.

The 20 Jul. 1924 the Mexican Free Ports are officially opened in a ceremony at Salina Cruz, on Pres. Obregon behalf Mr. Leopoldo Vazquez delivers the opening speech, M. Rolland is the director.

When Gen. Heriberto Jara became governor of the State of Veracruz on 1 Dec. 1924, he conceived a great stadium in Jalapa, the capital; Modesto C. Rolland was contracted for this purpose & with his project & under his direction on the 25 Jun. work started, concluding on the of 14 Sep. (only 2 months & 16 days) to the astonishment of experts from around the country, for the stands were covered with 3.000 m2 of a monolithic parabolic concrete roof. On Sep. 20, the Pres. Calles solemnly inaugurated the stadium.

In 1925 he widowed when his wife Virginia dies due to a tragic accident.

In September of 1926 by decree of President Elias Calles the Mexican Free Ports disappear, Don Modesto as Director enters into a long polemic against the decree.

He then returned to the construction of homes and buildings in Mexico City. Among others he constructs: the building of the Foreign Club in Mexico, a large residence would become the Russian Embassy in Mexico and in Cuernavaca the Hotel Chula Vista.

In 1927 he marries the concertist Rosario Tolentino Guizar, with whom he breed a daughter.

During this period he gave way to his creative ability, he set up a plant to produce hollow bricks & other prefabricated concrete products; he manufactured and sold a water pump driven by wind. Between 1912 and 1926 he registered 11 patents relating to the above.

In 1929 he is the editor of "Review" the organ of Georgist Union in Mexico City.

In 1930 he was invited to work in the Ministry of Communications as Director of Railways, undertaking the construction of the Ferrocarril del Sureste, to communicate Yucatan.

In September 1930 he gave a lecture on "The Agrarian Problem in Mexico" at the "Henry George Foundation of America" ​​at a Congress in San Francisco, California.

In 1931 he opened a cooper mine in the village called "Las Minas" located in a ravine near Jalapa Veracruz.

In 1932 he wrote "Communism or Liberalism" dedicated to the "Union of Veterans of the Revolution" there he describes the failure of Laborism & Agrarism to solve public welfare.

In 1934 he was appointed Sub Sec. of Communications.

In May 1934 the Company Petrolera la Laguna is formed in Jalapa Veracruz , with  M Rolland as shareholder. On October 30, 1935 the Company Petrolera Veracruzana is founded with M Rolland as Pres. and Gral Mgr., Treasurer Rafael Murillo, Rafael Pouze Chazaro Sec.

On October 25, 1938 he presented a lecture before the National Congress of Exporters at the Palace of Bellas Artes on the "Mexican Free Ports."

On 7 Nov. 1938 whit consent, he ordered the elimination of offensive images of the heads o states Hitler & Mussolini in the mural of the Central Airport of Mexico City's, in response to a German diplomatic protest and since Mexico faced a boycott of countries whose oil companies had been expropriated,  Mexican oil then being sold to Germany.

On April 14, 1939 at the initiative of Pres. Lázaro Cárdenas, Congress approves the reinstallation of the Mexicans Free Ports: Puerto Mexico, Topolobampo Salina Cruz the decree is signed by the Pres., Sec of Had. Eduardo Suarez & Sec. of SCOP Modesto C. Rolland.

In 1939 when Gen. Mujica Sec of SCOP resigns to campaign for the presidency, M Rolland Deputy Sec SCOP and is appointed Deputy Sec. of Economy.

On May 1, 1940 Congress approves an agreement to pay four oil companies expropriated by decree of 18 Mar. 1938, releasing the locks on the sale to Mexican oil abroad; the decree is
signed by the Pres. Cardenas, the Managing Sec. of Had Eduardo Villaseñor & the Managing Sec. of Economy Modesto Rolland.

In 1940 the Mexican Free Ports are reopened in Salina Cruz and Puerto Mexico, and later in Topolobampo and Ensenada, M. Rolland is Mgr. until December 1952 when Pres. Ruiz Cortines, takes office.

On November 5, 1940 he gives a lecture at the Mexican Society of Geography and Statistics on "Free Ports and Traffic Interoceanic across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec”.

The Mexican Free Ports developed the Decavia project, which proposed to transport up to 25,000 ton ships, on traveling locks rolling on  10 rails on a route with slopes of 0.5%  & curves of 10 ', covering 188 kmts & climbing 220 meters between Salina Cruz and Coatzacoalcos.

He designed & built a fixed sand dredge to bypass the coastal sands continually blocking Salina Cruz, first of its kind in the world. When he left the Free Ports the dredge was neglected &, abandoned due to conflict of interest with dredging contracts. As Manager of the MFP he installed water & sewage and paved the streets of Salina Cruz.

In 1943 Pres. Manuel Avila Camacho appointed him federal representative & president of the "Coordinating Committee of the Suchiate" in Chiapas.

In 1941 Mr. Neguib Simon decided to build a Sports City in Mexico including: a bullring arena, a sports stadium, movies houses, racquetball stadium, tennis courts, bowling alleys, restaurants, Olympic swimming pool, a pool with mechanisms to simulate waves, a boxing arena & parking. He contracted Modesto Rolland to design & construct the project. The works of the Plaza de Toros began in December 1944 & at a given time had 10,000 workers in three shifts. The novelty is that the arena is 20 meters below the natural ground and stands 20 meters above, thus doubling the world's largest arenas. The magnum opus was opened on February 5, 1946, although skeptics in January 1946 forced a load test of 10 days, with 120,000 bags of 50 kg sand covering all seats. The project continued with the Olympic Stadium which was inaugurated on 6 Oct. 1946, being the first major forum for sports events in Mexico City that was not wooden structure.

On April 16, 1949 Modesto Rolland Dir Mexican Free Ports visits Los Angeles Cal. in search of US capital for US $ 300, 000,000 to finance the construction of the Decavia, reports UP.

The 9 Jun. 1952 in response to a survey of Mr. Ruiz Cortines, candidate for Pres. he addresses him

with a publication: "Effective Way to Prevent Poverty & Fight Communism." The country's problems are stripped by showing what is unresolved: Public Misery, The Agrarian Disaster, the Laborism that has created a privileged class without solving the problem of workers, the Electoral Problem as those elected for positions are not the best & most prepared Mexican, a remedy has not been found to the municipal disaster. He finally points to the following needs: economic reform, respect for municipal freedom, proportional election, and democratic brakes called: Revocation, Initiative and Referendum; ceasing of all arbitrary measures such as the ejido policy.

In 1954 Arch. Carlos Lazo Sec. of SCOP, Carlos Contreras and Modesto Rolland conceived and designed the original concept of SCOP Center, located in a large area between Avenues of Xola, Universidad, Niño Perdido & Acutzingo in Mexico City.

In 1957 he finally moved his residence to his ranch the Santa Margarita on the outskirts of Cordoba Veracruz.

In 1958 Mr. Lopez Mateos in his campaign for Pres. invited Modesto Rolland to accompany him on his trip through Baja California.

He died in Cordoba Veracruz on May 17, 1965.

Vida deModesto C Rolland resumen



Nació en la La Paz, Baja California Sur el 14 Junio 1881 fue bautizado el 21 Sep., del mismo año.

Sus primeros estudios los hace en La Paz y Sta. Rosalía, a instancias de su madre se traslada a Culiacán, Sinaloa a estudiar para Maestro de Instrucción Primaria, titulándose el 16 Dic. 1903.

Viaja a la Cd de México, vía Mazatlán y Manzanillo, decide estudiar la carrera de Ing. Civil que termina en tres años, en lugar de cuatro, recibiéndose en 1906.

El 5 Abril 1905 es profesor de la clase Preparatoria de Topografía Drenaje y Riego en la Escuela de San Jacinto, “Escuela Nacional de Agricultura y Veterinaria” y formalizado el 1 de Febrero de 1906. En Abril 1906 publica: “Algunas Lecciones sobre el Levantamiento de Polígonos por Deflexiones. En Julio 1906 imprimió, “Lecciones sobre Presas, dadas en la clase de Topografía, Drenaje y Riegos”.

El 10 de Febrero de 1908 casa con Virginia de la Garza Meléndez con quien procreara cinco hijos.

En Agosto 1909 propone y da las “Academias Libres de Concreto Armado”, primeras clases de concreto en México. Edito en 1910 “Manual de Elementos de Cálculo para Cemento Armado”. De 1908 a 1910 construyo inumerables residencias particulares y el acueducto Xochimilco-México.  

La Cámara Nacional del Cemento en 1962, dice: los precursores del concreto en México fueron los Ings.: Manuel Marroquín y Rivera, Miguel Rebolledo, Modesto C. Rolland y Ortiz Monasterio. Destacan en Paseo la Reforma N° 96 una obra de M.C R. con claro de 22 mts hecha en el Porfiriato.

En 1908-9 organizo un Club de Ingenieros para a estudiar los problemas del país, proponiendo entre otras la nacionalización de los ferrocarriles y el establecimiento del ahorro postal.

“El 19 May. 1909 en casa de Alfredo Robles  Domínguez, nace el Centro Nacional Antireeleccionista, que sería partido nacional, lo presiden: Emilio Vázquez Gómez, Francisco I Madero, Modesto C. Rolland, Félix  Palavicini, Aquiles Elorduy, Roque Estrada y Eduardo Hay”.

En 1909 se publica el “Manifiesto a la Nación” del Partido Antireeleccionista al iniciar su campaña electoral, aparece Modesto C. Rolland como fundador.

El 1 Sep. 1911 el Club Antireeleccionista “Francisco Díaz Ramírez” promueve la Mexicanización de las líneas nacionales. La Directiva encargada: Pdte. Ing. Modesto C. Rolland; 1er Vpdte. Ing. Joaquín Santaella; 2°Vpdte. Ing. José Rodríguez Cabo; 1er Sec. Ing. Joaquín M. Alegre.

El 9 Feb. 1913 se reúnen con Manuel Urquidi Subsec. de Com. a organizar  la Subsecretaria: Alberto J Pani, su hermano Arturo y el Lic. Alessio Robles se les unen: Carlos Argüelles, Ramón Puente, Samuel Vázquez, y los Ings. Álvarez del Castillo, Efraín Gómez y Modesto Rolland.

A la muerte del Pdte. Madero y el Vpdte. Pino Suarez, se despide de sus alumnos del Colegio Militar, diciéndoles que serian instrumentos para derramar sangre mexicana, esa misma tarde fue destituido. Fue sacado de su oficina, encarcelado y amenazado con ser fusilarlo. Tras un mes de confinamiento solitario, lo recibió el ministro Garza Aldape, le aseguro que no era  conspirador, pero no estaba de acuerdo con las políticas del Huertismo. Salió en libertad pero decidió huir a Veracruz y embarcarse a EUA.

En Ciudad Juárez el Ministro de Comunicaciones, Sr Zulara lo presento con Don Venustiano quien  le hablo de los problemas de México, señalándole que el problema agrario era la piedra angular de los problemas sociales del país. Le hablo sobre todo de las escuelas y la necesidad de un sistema escolar. Don Venustiano se dijo personificaba la unidad nacional y decidió que debía trabajar bajo su influencia.  Fue  comisionado a viajar por los EUA en 1913 para elaborar planes para la reconstrucción, pero en especial para el sistema educativo elemental y la organización municipal.

En Junio 1914  es cónsul en N. Y. comisionado para crear órganos de difusión del Movimiento Carranzista en EUA; en Agosto escribe: “Por instrucciones de Rafael Zubarán Capmany Sec. de Gob., organice la oficina de información “Mexican Bureau of Information”, ahí elaboramos artículos para magazines y un boletín semanal, llamado “Cartas Mexicanas”, se enviaba a 500 periódicos de EUA, al Pdte. Wilson, al Congreso, Senado y otros funcionarios.

De regreso a México es nombrado Oficial Mayor de la Sec. de Com., en Octubre 1914.

El 26 Octubre 1914 el Consejo Directivo de los Ferrocarriles  Nacionales, en la Cd. de México nombra consejeros del Comité Ejecutivo a Carlos Basave, Luis Cabrera y Modesto Rolland.

En Diciembre 1914 el N Y Times transmite noticias recibidas de Veracruz de Modesto Rolland como Ministro de Comunicación de Carranza.

El 7 y 23 Dic. 1914 dicta una Conferencia en Veracruz a la Confederación Revolucionaria, titulada “la Cuestión Agraria y Medios Prácticos para Resolver el Problema”.

Renuncia al Gabinete y es comisionado como Secretario de la “Comisión Técnica del Petróleo”, con  Pastor Rouaix como Pdte. y José Vázquez Schaffino, Salvador Gómez  e  Ignacio Mora. La Comisión viajo a EUA a estudiar la industria petrolera.

El 6 En. 1915 Modesto C. Rolland, Salvador Alvarado, Gustavo Espinosa Míreles y otros, lanzan invitación a constituir la Confederación Revolucionaria para la organización civil revolucionaria, como coronamiento de la victoria armada.

En 1915 acompaño a Yucatán a Salvador Alvarado nombrado gobernador, el lo comisiono para organizar  la Comisión Estatal  Agraria, creo el Catastro Rural Agrario y reedito su libro de Topografía de  1906.

Durante su estancia construyo el primer muelle de concreto para la terminal de petróleos del Puerto de Progreso.

En 1916 en el Congreso Feminista de México, (en el Teatro Peón Contreras de Mérida) como hombre cercano del Gen. Alvarado, busca el consenso de las maestras para que el Gobernador confiriera el sufragio a las mujeres.

El 23 Mar. 1916 en la “La Voz de la Revolución” de Yucatán lamenta: el poco provecho en México de la explotación petrolera, (siendo el  tercer productor mundial) y la desaparición de la Comisión Técnica del Petróleo que preparaba leyes para proteger este patrimonio. Deberá disponerse dice la nacionalización del petróleo y la construcción de oleoductos y refinerías en todo el país.

En Abril 1916 viaja a México y solicita al Sec. de Educación Félix  Palavicini,  un maestro como jefe del Dep. de Educación Pública en Yucatán, obteniendo la del Mto. Gregorio Torres Quintero.

El 21 Junio 1916 en Sto. Domingo, junto a  Carrizal Chihuahua, se enfrentan tropas del Gral.  J. Treviño con las del Gral. Pershing, que perseguía a Villa. El 24 Jun. 1916 ante una eminente guerra, la “Unión Americana Contra el Militarismo” invito a una conferencia de paz en El Paso Texas a: Modesto C. Rolland, Luis Manuel Rojas  y a Gerardo Murillo (Dr. Atl); esta se instalo el 28 Junio en Washington como la “Comisión de Paz Interamericana”, con: Moorfield Storey  Pdte., Modesto Rolland  Vpdte y la Srta. Eastman Chrystal  Sec., otros miembros: David Starr, Paul Kellogg, Manuel Rojas y Dr. Atl. Ante actitudes intransigentes en los EUA,  publico una carta abierta al Pdte. de los EUA, señalando la grave injusticia que sería una guerra con México.

En 1916-7-Los Socialistas y la American Federation of Labor se inclinan a Carranza como la mejor esperanza de la revolución mexicana y la International Socialist Review publico artículos de Carranza escritos por su publicista Modesto Rolland.   

En 1916-18 se publican en Nueva York “El Grafico “y “Colombus Publishing”, dirigidas por Modesto Rolland creador de la Latin American News Association del gobierno de Carranza.

En N Y conoció las teorías de Henry George  sobre un impuesto único que gravara solo  la tenencia de la tierra, leyó sus libros y se convirtió a su causa, asistiendo al “Congreso del Impuesto Único”.

En 1916 dirigió un escrito a Don Venustiano proponiendo soluciones para el Distrito Norte de la Baja California, solicitando se enviara una comisión ejecutiva para su estudio.

A fin de 1916  un comité formado por: Salvador Alvarado,  Ezequiel  A. Chávez, Max. Chaubert, Pedro Solís Cámara y Modesto C. Rolland, presenta al Congreso Constituyente el Proyecto de Ley del Servicio Civil para las Ciudades Mexicanas, este se público hasta el 7 Dic. 1920.

En la XXVII Legislatura, en la Junta del 13 Abril 1917, se acredita que: Son diputados propietario y suplente, por el Distrito Sur de la Baja California los CC. Modesto C. Rolland y Eduardo S. Carrillo.

Realizo extenso estudio de la situación hacendaria de Yucatán, que se publico el 3 Abril 1918 en el diario  “la Voz de la Revolución”.

En Nov. 1918 comunica al Gob. de Yucatán, Carlos Castro Morales  la entrega de receptores telegráficos, pedidos por el Gral. Alvarado; esto como Gte. de la Cia. de Fomento del Sureste  de México, para dotar de comunicación inalámbrica a Yucatán.

Cuando el Gral. Alvarado intenta figurar en las elecciones presidenciales funda el diario “El Heraldo de México”, nombra a Modesto Rolland como director, del 25 Abril 1919 al 24 Mar 1920.

En 1919 el Ing Rolland encabezo una Comisión de la Sec. de Hda para estudiar las condiciones del Distrito Norte de la Baja California, el reporte fue entregada en Dic. de ese año. Resulto un análisis preciso de problemas económicos y políticos del Distrito con varias propuestas de soluciones; entre otras proponía un Puerto en la conocida “Laguna Salada”, que esta a  8 mts bajo el nivel del mar ubicada en las proximidades de Mexicali. También propuso la construcción de varias presas, de las que solo se ha construido a la fecha la presa Abelardo Rodríguez. 

En 1920 fundó un Club de Estudios Socio Económicos, donde estudiantes de economía política  pudieran reunirse a discutir y predicar verdaderos métodos de reconstrucción social.

Entre 1920 y 1934 obtiene autorización de varios aprovechamientos hidráulicos superficiales.

El 11 de Octubre de 1920 el Presidente Adolfo De la Huerta expide un Decreto para la creación de los Puertos Libres mismo que fue redactado por Modesto C. Rolland.

Durante el gobierno del General Obregón en 1920 fue nombrado Presidente  de la Comisión Nacional Agraria, ahí elaboro el proyecto para fijar la extensión de las dotaciones ejidales.

En Sept. 1921 publica “El Desastre Municipal en la Republica Mexicana” con prologo de Gómez Morín, primer libro escrito en México sobre el Municipio Libre. El libro incluye el “Proyecto de Ley del Servicio Civil para Ciudades Mexicanas”.

En 1922 fundó el periódico “El Hombre” siendo su editor hasta 1925.

 En 1922 publica un libro  sobre Cimientos, Pisos y Techos de Cemento Armado.

En 1923 escribe “Los Puertos Libres Mexicanos y la Zona Libre en la Frontera Norte de la Republica Mexicana”.

En 1923 el Pdte. Obregón crea los Puertos Libres Mexicanos, incluyendo los puertos de Guaymas, Salina Cruz y Puerto México.

El 31 Jul. 1923 en reunión en N Y,  Modesto Rolland de Puertos Libres Mexicanos, anuncia que dos puertos libres mexicanos se abrirán al comercio mundial.

En 1923 era Pdte. de la radiodifusora CYB. El 6  Mar. 1923 se fusionan la Liga Mexicana de Radio, el Centro de Ingenieros y el Club Central Mexicano de Radio para formar la Liga Central Mexicana de Radio, siendo Modesto Rolland fundador y  Presidente en 1923; entre sus dirigentes figuraban Vicente Lombardo Toledano, Felipe Sierra, Francisco C. Steffen, Salvador Domenzain y Manuel L. Stampa.   Represento a la Liga CMR ante el Pdte. Obregón, al proponerle la Reglamentación de Radioemisoras.  Con la LCMR organiza la Gran Feria Radioeléctrica en el  Palacio de Minería del 16 al 25 Jul. 1923 inaugurada por el Pdte.

En 1924 presenta los Puertos Libres Mexicanos en el 2° Cong. Nac. de Ings. en Monterrey NL.

El 20 Jul. 1924 se inauguran los P. L. Mexicanos en ceremonia en Salina Cruz, por el Pdte. Obregón dice un discurso el Ing. Leopoldo Vázquez, Of. Mayor de Hda; queda de Director el Ing. Rolland.

El Gral.  Heriberto Jara  al quedar como gobernador del Estado de Veracruz el 1° de dic. 1924, concibió un gran estadio en Jalapa, Veracruz; contrato para ello al Ing. Modesto C. Rolland, el 25 Jun. bajo su proyecto y dirección se inicio la obra concluyéndola el 14 de Sep., (dos meses y 16 días) ante el estupor de especialistas de todo el país, por el techo volado de más de 3,000 m2, que cubre la gradería. El 20 de Sep. el Pdte. Calles con gran solemnidad inauguro el estadio.

En 1925 enviuda, su esposa Virginia fallece debido a un trágico accidente de tránsito.

En  Septiembre de 1926 por decreto del Presidente Elías Calles desaparecen los Puertos Libres Mexicanos, Don Modesto como Director  entra en una larga polémica contra ese decreto.

En esta época se reintegra a la construcción de viviendas y edificios en la Ciudad de México. , entre otras construye: el edificio del Foreign Club en México, residencia que sería la Embajada Rusa en México y en Cuernavaca el Hotel Chula Vista.

En 1927 casa con la Concertista Rosario Tolentino Guizar, con quien procrean una hija.

En este periodo dio curso a su capacidad creativa, monto una planta para producir tabicones huecos  y otros productos prefabricados, fabrico y vendió una bomba de agua movida por                viento. Entre 1912 y 1926 registro 11 patentes referentes a lo arriba citado.

En 1929 es editor de “Revisión” el órgano de la Unión Georgista en la Cd. de México.

En 1930 es invitado a trabajar en la Secretaría de Comunicaciones como Director de Vías Férreas, emprendiendo la construcción del Ferrocarril del Sureste.

En Septiembre de 1930 dicto una conferencia sobre “El Problema Agrario en México”  ante la  “Fundación Henry George de América”  en su Congreso en San Francisco, California.

En 1931 abre una mina para explotación de cobre en el poblado denominado “Las Minas” ubicado en una barranca cerca de Jalapa Veracruz.

En 1932 escribe “Comunismo o Liberalismo” dedicado a la “Unión de Veteranos de la Revolución” ahí  reseña el fracaso del laborismo y el agrarismo para resolver el bienestar público.

En 1934 es nombrado Subsecretario de Comunicaciones.

En Mayo de 1934 se forma la Cía. Petrolera la Laguna en Jalapa Ver., siendo accionistas el Ing. Rolland. El 30 de Oct. 1935 se funda la Cía. Petrolera Veracruzana, con Modesto Rolland Pdte. y Gte. Gral., Rafael Murillo Tesorero, Rafael Pouz Chazaro Sec.

El 25 de Octubre de 1938 presenta una Conferencia ante el Congreso Nacional de Exportadores en el Palacio de Bellas Artes con el tema  los “Puertos Libres Mexicanos”.

El 7 Nov. 1938 con autorización, ordena suprimir del mural del Aeropuerto Central de la Ciudad de México imágenes alusivas ofensivas de los jefes de estado Hitler y Mussolini; en respuesta a una protesta diplomática Alemana y toda vez que México enfrentaba un boicot de los países con empresas petroleras expropiadas y el petróleo ahora se vendía a Alemania.

El 14 Abril 1939 por iniciativa del Pdte. Lázaro Cárdenas el Congreso de la Unión aprueba reinstalar  los Puertos Libres Mexicanos en: Puerto México, Salina Cruz  y Topolobampo firman: el Presidente, el Sec. de Hda- Eduardo Suarez y el Sec. la  SCOP Ing Modesto C. Rolland.

En 1939 al renunciar el Gral. Mujica a la SCOP, para hacer campaña para la presidencia; Don Modesto renuncia como Sub. Sec. de SCOP y es nombrado Subsecretario de Economía.

El 1 Mayo 1940 es aprobado por el Congreso y firmado por el Pdte., el Subsec. de Hda encargado del Desp. Eduardo Villaseñor y el Subsec. de Economía Enc. del Desp. Modesto Rolland, el convenio y acuerdo de pago a cuatro empresas petroleras expropiadas por decreto de 18 Mar. 1938, logrando destrabar el bloqueo extranjero a los petróleos mexicanos.

En 1940  se reinstituyen los Puertos Libres Mexicanos, con Salina Cruz y Puerto México, y después Topolobampo y Ensenada, M. Rolland es Gte. hasta Dic. 1952 al entrar el Pdte. Ruiz Cortines.

El 5 de Noviembre de 1940 da una Conferencia ante la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografía y Estadística sobre “Los Puertos Libres y el Trafico Interoceánico a través del Istmo de Tehuantepec

En Puertos Libres desarrollo el proyecto de la  Decavia, que proponía transportar barcos de hasta 25,000 ton., sobre 10 vías dentro de esclusas viajeras con pendientes de 0.5% y radios de 10´, recorriendo 188  kmts entre Salina Cruz y Coatzacoalcos, venciendo 220 mts de altura.

Proyecto y construyo una Draga Fija única en el mundo, que de  forma constante dragaría las arenas del arrastre litoral que bloquean Salina Cruz. A su salida de Puertos Libres la obra se abandono, por conflicto de intereses con los contratos de dragado. En Salina Cruz en su gestión se realizaron obras de pavimentar sus calles y dotarla de agua potable y drenaje.

En 1943 el Pdte. Manuel Ávila Camacho  lo nombro representante del ejecutivo federal y Presidente de la “Comisión Coordinadora del Suchiate” en Chiapas.

En 1941 el Lic. Neguib Simón concebió construir una Ciudad de los Deportes con plaza de toros, estadio deportivo, cines, frontón, canchas de tenis, boliches, restaurantes, alberca olímpica,  alberca con mecanismos para simular olas,  una arena para box y lucha libre y estacionamiento. Contrato al Ing. Modesto Rolland para proyectar y construir la obra; los trabajos de la Plaza de Toros se iniciaron en diciembre de 1944 llegándose a emplear hasta 10,000 trabajadores en tres turnos. La novedad es que el ruedo esta 20 mts bajo el terreno natural y las graderías más altas 20 mts arriba,  así se logro duplicar a las plazas más grandes del mundo. La magna obra se inauguro el 5 de febrero de 1946, aunque en Enero 1946 los escépticos obligaron una  prueba de carga de 10 días, con 120,000 sacos de arena de 50 kgs cubriendo todos los asientos. El proyecto continuo con el Estadio Olímpico inaugurado el 6 Oct. 1946, siendo el primer gran foro para espectáculos deportivos en la Cd. de México que no era de madera.

El 16 Abril 1949  Modesto Rolland Dir. de los Puertos Libres Mexicanos visita Los Ángeles  Cal. en busca de capital por Dlrs. $ 300, 000,000 para financiar la construcción de la Decavia, informa UP.

El 9 Jun. 1952 en respuesta a encuesta del Sr. Ruiz Cortines, candidato a la Pdcia publica: “Efectiva Manera de Evitar la Miseria Publica y Combatir el Comunismo”. Los problemas del país son desnudados haciendo ver que no se ha resuelto: La Miseria Publica;  El desastre del Agrarismo; el Laborismo que ha creado clases privilegiadas sin resolver el problema de los trabajadores; el problema electoral pues los puestos de elección popular no son para los mejores y más preparados Mexicanos; No se ha puesto un remedio al desastre municipal. Plantea finalmente las siguientes necesidades: la reforma económica; respeto a la libertad municipal; elección proporcional y frenos democráticos llamados Revocación, Iniciativa y Referéndum; cesar disposiciones arbitrarias como la política ejidal vigente.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

 En 1954 el Arq. Carlos Lazo titular del ramo, Carlos Contreras y Modesto Rolland idearon y proyectaron el concepto original del Centro SCOP, ubicado en una gran área ubicada entre las avenidas de  Xola, Universidad, Cumbres de Acutzingo y Niño Perdido, en la Ciudad de México.

En 1957 traslada su residencia definitivamente a su rancho  La Santa Margarita ubicado en las orillas de la ciudad de Córdoba Veracruz.

 En 1958 en la campaña del Lic. López Mateos como aspirante a la Pdcia de la Republica, es  invitado para acompañarlo en  su viaje por la Baja California.

Fallece en Córdoba Veracruz el 17 de mayo de 1965.